Informed Consent Release of Liability Form Please read thoroughly, sign the check-box.
All campers and their legal guardians must sign this document prior to participating in any camp activity.
Lightning Running Camp offers a variety of camping experiences in an environment that cannot be totally managed or made wholly benign. While the aforementioned agencies diligently safeguard attendees and participants, a potential for harm still exists from the flora and untamed fauna of the area as well as from the nature of some of the available activities. Disregarding camp rules, straying from designated activity sites, or entering restricted areas can potentially result in injury or death.
Specific exposures to harm include activities and related structural components that may or may not be included in the camp experience attended by you and/or your children. These include: Swimming, Hiking, Participation in Sports events, Running, Tubing, river-related activities and any other unlisted activities.
In consideration for being permitted to utilize the facilities, services, and programs at Lightning Running Camp/Silverwood Lake for any purpose, including but not limited to observations or use of facilities or equipment, or participation in any program affiliated with the camp without respect to location, the undersigned, for himself or herself and any personal representatives, heirs, and next of kin, hereby acknowledges, agrees and represents that he or she accepts the facilities and equipment and participation in all camp programs as being safe and reasonably suited for the purpose of observations, use, or participation.
The undersigned hereby releases, waives, discharges and covenants not to sue Lightning Youth Academy, Lighting Youth Running Club, Silverwood Lake Recreational Park or any of their agents, coaches, vendors, staff members or volunteers, their directors and officers and hereby releases them from all liability to the undersigned, his/her personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin for any loss or damage, and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to the person or property or resulting in the death of the undersigned, whether caused by the negligence of the releasees or otherwise while the undersigned is in, upon, or about the premises or any facilities or equipment therein.
THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGRESS TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS the releasees and each of them from any loss, liability, damage, or cost they may incur due to the presence of the undersigned in, upon, or about the Lightning Youth Running Camp premises or in any way observing or using facilities or equipment of the releasees or participating in any program affiliated with the releasees.
THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY ASSUMES FULL REPSONSIBLITIY FOR AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE due to the negligence of releasees or otherwise while in, about or upon the premises of Lightning Youth Running Camp.
THE UNDERSIGNED further expressly agrees that the foregoing RELEASE, WAIVER AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of California and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT and further agrees that no oral representations, statements, or inducement apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Lightning Youth Academy and each of their employees, volunteers, officers, directors, coaches, and agents from any and all liability incurred as a result of my/their participation. I hereby state that all adults signing below and all minors listed below are free of medical or physical conditions that might create undue risk to myself/him/her. I am aware that the activities involved with Camp involve a potential for injury to myself/children/minors. I assume full responsibility for any loss, injury and/or inconvenience resulting from my/minor’s participation.
THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT and understands that they acknowledge that they have chosen to participate in the camp without personal insurance and that they are responsible for any and all costs associated with any charges that may occur that might normally be covered by personal insurance and that the camp has no responsibility to pay any of these costs, no matter what the nature of the injury or situation that created the cost, regardless of negligence or other circumstances.
Exención COVID-19
Reglas y regulaciones de atletas para el acondicionamiento / práctica en persona
4. Los atletas NO deben COMPARTIR ningún equipo o uniforme con otros atletas. Esto incluye, entre otros, toallas, ropa, zapatos / pisos de carreras, mates (mates de yoga).
5. Si alguien en el mismo hogar está enfermo, incluso si es solo un simple resfriado , ¡POR FAVOR QUÉDESE EN CASA!!! & Contacta con coach Cholula
6. Si el deportista ha sido diagnosticado positivo por Covid-19 en un momento dado: Necesitamos un examen físico que indique que el deportista no tiene restricciones para los deportes. Si la exposición ocurre durante el tiempo que hemos comenzado el entrenamiento en persona; Quédese en casa durante 10 días después de la exposición y 15 días después de ser diagnosticado.
7. RESPETA A TODOS: Trata a los demás de la manera en que quieres que te traten.
8. No hay “yo” en TEAM, Suportamos hasta que NUESTRO último corredor haya cruzado la línea de meta.
9. Ayuda con la configuración y limpieza en carreras y eventos de equipo.
10. Seguiremos las pautas de los CDC y los funcionarios de salud del condado para realizar cualquier cambio o cancelación a las prácticas o reuniones.
Acuerdo de responsabilidad de renuncia y liberación
*He leído y entiendo las Reglas y Regulaciones de atletas para el acondicionamiento / práctica en persona de acuerdo con las pautas de COVID-19.
*El abajo firmante renuncia y libera todas y cada una de las reclamaciones, derechos y/o causas de acción que el abajo firmante ahora tiene o puede tener contra cualquier Ciudad o condado, y Lightning Youth Academy / Lightning Youth Running Club, y entrenadores y sus oficiales por todas y cada una de las reclamaciones, demandas, responsabilidad, lesiones, incluidas pérdidas y daños, que puedan ocurrir o ser infligidos al abajo firmante o a su propiedad, incluyendo pero no limitado a aquellos que se relacionan con, o que de alguna manera pueden ser causados por la negligencia de Lightning y sus respectivos oficiales, entrenadores y miembros, mientras el abajo firmante está participando y / o en ruta a cualquier o desde cualquier evento de Lightning.
*He leído las reglas de Lightning Youth Academy/Lighting Youth Running Club y acepto plenamente las sanciones.
*El abajo firmante ha leído todo el documento y entiende su contenido y firma voluntariamente este acuerdo de renuncia y liberación de responsabilidad.