Who We Are/ Quien Somos

Lightning Youth Academy was founded in 2022 by the community for the community. The program is run by parents who are coaches and professionals in the community. The parents helping and assisting in the academy include psychologists, teachers, nurses, community advocates, and managers. The mission and visions of our program focus on our youth's mental and physical development as athletes and not a business. If you are interested in being part of the Lightning family, feel free to contact us.

The Lightning Youth Academy is a non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization with the mission of helping and enriching youth runners in their lifestyle and future through learning and achieving their goals. This includes supporting junior-age and high school athletes with guidance for college and supporting parents with positive parenting skills. 

Our mission is to provide meaningful and culturally relevant foundations for children and families in our local communities to help enrich their lifestyle and future. We strive to create a trusted family environment where we nurture runners to grow as athletes, students, and responsible members of the community.

Nuestra misión es proporcionar fundamentos significativos y culturalmente relevantes para los niños y las familias en nuestras comunidades locales para ayudar a enriquecer su estilo de vida y futuro. Nos esforzamos por crear un ambiente familiar de confianza donde inspiramos y desarrollamos a los corredores para que crezcan como atletas, como estudiantes y como miembros responsables de la comunidad.

Our Services

  • Atletismo y Competicion

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  • Atletismo Recreacional

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  • Talleres de Atletismo y Salud Mental

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  • Clinicas de Atletismo

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  • Evento de Atletismo y Bienestar


  • Entrenamiento y Campamento de Verano

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  • Tienda de Mercancia

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