2025 Track Season
Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in being part of the Lightning Family. Please click the yellow tab link to register.
If you want to read more about our programs, please read below.
Gracias por su interes en ser parte de Lightning. Favor de presionar el enlance amarilla para la forma de registracion.
Si le guaria aprender mas sobre el programa, puede leer mas.
What We do
Track & Field
Entrenamiento de Atletismo
Cross Country
Temporada de Cross-Country
Santa Ana Cross Country Invitational
Competencia de Lightning para la Comunidad
High Altitude Running Camp
Campamento de Atletismo en las Montanas
Mental Health Wellness
Educacion de Bien Estar y Salud Mental
Family Involvement Program
Programa Para Toda la Familia
Common Questions
1) Where does lighting practice?
- Lightning has two sites, one in Santa Ana and the other in Long Beach. The site in Santa Ana, works with the City of Santa Ana Parks and Recreation and reserve the local parks and tracks. Practice locations depend on the day of the week and the workout type.
2) What is the fee?
- Lightning offers a FREE two week try out for new runners. At Lightning, we do not want money to be a barrier. All the money received are donations and the donation for each season (six months) for each runner is $150.00. Lightning also offers monthly payments plans and scholarships. You can learn more HERE
3) What types of events and activities does Lightning do?
-Lightning focuses on recreational training competitive racing . During the track season, Lightning focuses in mostly in long distance running. For Cross-Country, the distance depends on the age.
4) What are the times for practice?
-Practice during the week is from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. On Saturdays, practice is at 7:30 am.
5) Does lightning do running on trails?
-On the weekends, Lightning practices doing trails or running on the hills in Orange County, mostly on Saturdays.
6) How can we support Lightning since it is a non-profit organization?
-Individuals and companies can support our program through Zeffy. Since Lightning Youth Academy is a non-profit organization, the donations are tax-deductible.
7) When can my youth join Lightning?
-Youth can join any time during the year. It is best to join at the beginning of each season since the training focuses on training cycles.
8) What are the ages for youth?
Youth runners can be ages 5 to 17.
9) Does Lightning travel?
-Yes. Lightning does travel to local races in Orange County to San Diego, Bakersfield, and a national meets for track and cross country.
10) Does my youth have to compete?
-Lightning offer two options:
1) Competing: If youth want to be part of the competing team, then the youth will join the Lightning Youth Running Club and this team practice four days per week at 6:00 pm.
2) Recreational: If runners, only want to do recreational running, runners can join the recreational training at Jerome center. Lightning works with the city of Santa Ana Parks and Recreation to provide 8-weeks of recreational training in the spring and summer.
11) Is practice required?
-Runners will improve as much as they train. At Lightning, we have training methods that, if they follow the program and training, youth will improve, and parents and youth will visually see their progress based on personal records.
12) Does Lightning go camping?
-On a yearly basis, Lightning partner with Camp Morning Star near Big Bear to provide the experience of a full camp experience. The camping is for the whole family. You can learn more HERE