Inspiring Youth Runners Through Learning and Achieving

Inspirando a Corredores a Través del Aprendizaje y el Logro.

  • At Lightning, we inspire and develop youth runners through learning and achieving regardless of the skills level.

  • Recreational Training: Develop basic running skills

  • Competitive Training

  • Family Program!

  • Youth train in local reserved parks, tracks, trails & hills.

Lightning Youth Academy/Lightning Youth Running Club is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that inspires and empowers youth to live a healthy lifestyle through running, achieving, and learning about mental health awareness no matter the skill level. At Lightning, youth have the opportunity to create meaningful experiences through recreational training and/or competing at a national level.

Lightning Youth Academy y Lightning Youth Running Club es una organización de 501(c) (3) con la misión de ayudar y enriquecer a los niños/ñas y jóvenes corredores en su estilo de vida y futuro a través del aprendizaje y el logro. En Lightning, ofrecemos la oportunidad de aprender el atletismo y competir al nivel nacional.


Our Services/Nuestros Servicios

Lightning Youth Academy

Lightning Youth Running Club



Partners, Affiliations, Collaborate or Sponsors: